Housewife Heroines of World War II


When : VernissageThursday, February 4, 2016, 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.

             Exhibition:   Thursday, February 4 to Friday, February 26, 2016, during library opening hours

                                   Contact the library to insure that the Discovery Room will not be occupied at the time of your visit.

WhereBeaconsfield Library, Discovery Room 

            303 Beaconsfield Blvd, Beaconsfield, H9W 4A7HousewifeSoldiers

Everyone welcome. Free entrance

InformationContact us


Housewife Heroines: Anglophone Women at Home in Montreal during World War II


Funded through the World War Commemorations Community Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage, Housewife Heroines tells the little-known World War II story of how so many Canadian women contributed to the war effort through their unpaid work at home. The project's focus is on English-speaking housewives in Montreal, the center of Canada’s Anglophone official language minority community.

In October and November 2015, the Housewife Heroines team brought together seniors and other community members, collaborators from various QAHN member-organizations, and members of QAHN’s staff and Montreal Committee, in a series of informal workshops focusing on the theme of women's domestic wartime contributions. These gatherings took place in Montreal, Westmount and Beaconsfield.

Historians Lorraine O’Donnell and Patrick Donovan have been heading up the Housewife Heroines research team, with administrative support from Dwane Wilkin at the QAHN office.

The next phase of this fascinating project was the creation of a travelling exhibition which will tour venues around Quebec.

Exhibition Sponsored by QAHN (Quebec Anglophone Heritage Network): 1 (877) 964-0409 / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.