Painting Competition
A grant of $1,000 from the Royal Bank of Canada enables us to conduct a competition for a painting of “The Grove”. The painting is to be presented to the City of Beaconsfield as a lasting tribute to mark the founding of Beaurepaire 300 years ago.
The competition attracted over 50 artists, both local and from outside the province. Mr. Manuel Ruiz, a well known artist, was the winner.
The winning painting was formally presented to the City on Monday, June 26th, at 8:00 PM in a short ceremony with a representative of the News & Chronicle present.
Writing Contest
A contest for writing a text for the students of Beaconsfield was held.
Cartographic Display
Through the hard work of Gisele Hall, the vice-president, we were able to display in the library many early maps and documents relating to the area, including the original deed granting the first concession to Mr. Jean Guenet on May 18, 1678. The display was accompanied by a talk in French, by Mr. Yves Tremblay, of the Ministry of Cultural Affairs. The event attracted a lot of attention and we are trying to obtain copies of the maps and documents for a permanent display.
The Society, in conjunction with the Beaconsfield Horticultural Society, participated in this event. The Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce made a grant to the Historical Society to enable us to purchase a special shovel for the ceremony, mount it on a walnut board and suitably inscribe it. It will be on display in the administration building as a permanent reminder of the occasion.
Tri-Centennial slide show on July 1st 1982 between 6:00 and 7:00 p.m. Commentaries given by Evelyn McOuat.
The society mounts its first exhibition of old tools, guns and Christmas decorations.
The Beaconsfield carnival is set for the weekend of February 7th.1986.
Barbara Briggs organized a Como Tour: About 30 members and friends enjoyed the tour of Mrs. Hyde's house and lunch at the Willow Inn.
August 21-23 1986- Display at Beaconsfield Shopping Centre: we will share a table and staffing with the senior citizens' association.
The Annual General Meeting will be held at Centennial Hall on Monday, June 8, 1987 at 6:00 p.m.
Our business meeting should take no more than 30 minutes, and then a sandwich supper will be served. The supper costs $5 per person; please RSVP June Walsh by May 29th if you plan to attend.
At 7:30 the curator of the David Stewart Museum, Guy Vadeboncoeur, will speak about St. Helen's Island and Le Vieux Fort.
We are including a membership form which you are invited to fill out at your leisure and to bring to the meeting with your membership fee for 1987-88: $5 for Beaconsfield residents, $7 for non-residents. Remember that the charge for guests is now $2 per meeting.
The “Trip Back in Time Exhibition” and our Annual Wine and Dessert evening will take place at Centennial Hall on February 9th, 1988.
“Turn of the Century” costumes
Quilters working in one room, sports articles and old tools- in another and toys, a tea-room, etc. as well as numerous other interesting treasures throughout Centennial Hall.
Open to members of the Historical Society as well as the mayor and councillors. Tickets $3. The Mayor, Council, other City officials and the "sitters" will receive complimentary tickets. People are asked to reserve tickets in advance as space is limited and it will also give us a better idea as to numbers attending.
100th year of Beaconsfield
Changing Arrangement.
The Historical Society sponsored three displays in the Beaconsfield Library Cube: toys, travel, school (including the Beaurepaire Catholic School’s Visitors’ Book from 1913 to 1949).
Ceremonial Planting
Jean Lemire, a direct descendant of one of our first land grantees and with the same name, will plant a commemorative tree on Thompson Point with the mayor on June 20th to mark Beaconsfield’s 100th birthday.
Two in French with Pauline Girard
Two Tours in English with Barbara Barclay, our President
Barbara Barclay, will have the pleasure to accompany you through time in Beaurepaire and in Beaconsfield. Saturday, July 10, 2010
>From 9:30 till 11:00
Meeting in St. James Park, corner of St. Charles Boulevard and Lakeshore Road
Discover the east end of Lakeshore Road
Saturday, August 14, 2010
>From 1:30 P.M. till 3:00 P.M.
Meeting at the corner of Fieldfare Avenue and Beaconsfield Boulevard
Discover Beaurepaire Village and Thompson Point
In collaboration with the city of Beaconsfield, the movie Expo 67: Mission Impossible, was shown on Sunday, October 1, 2017, from 2 to 4 p.m., at Beaconsfield High School, 250 Beaurepaire Drive, part of Journées de la culture.
The thriller Expo 67: Mission Impossible invited us to relive the incredible adventure of the men and women behind the realization of Expo67 and how the event was a pivotal moment in the histories of Canada and Quebec.
Roy Wright, President of the Beaurepaire-Beaconsfield Historical Society presented a financial contribution to M. Éric Ruel, Vice-president of Productions de la ruelle to help them in their mission to perpetuate the memory and spirit of Expo 67 to all who have experienced it and to help guide future generations to build a better world.
For more information on how you can help with this cause and other projects of Productions de la ruelle, please visit
LE 3 JUIN À 13 H 30 2009 (EN FRANÇAIS)
Le Beaconsfield d'antan
Une promenade d'une heure trente dans le secteur à l'est du boulevard Saint-Charles avec Pauline Faguy-Girard, secrétaire de la Société historique Beaurepaire Beaconsfield.
Départ du Club nautique de Beaconsfield situé au 26, chemin Lakeshore à 13 h
30. La visite guidée sera suivie d'un thé en après-midi (7 $) au Yacht Club.
An hour and a half stroll through the section of the city east of Saint Charles boulevard with Pauline Faguy-Girard, a member of the Beaurepaire-Beaconsfield Historical Society. Departure from the Beaconsfield Yacht Club, 26 Lakeshore Road at 1:30 p.m. The tour will end with afternoon tea ($7) at the Yacht Club.
The Société historique Beaurepaire-Beaconsfield Historical Society is organizing
a visit to the Canadian Aviation Heritage Centre
On the MacDonald Campus of McGill University, in Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue
Saturday, November 26, 2011
From 9:30 to 11:00
Cost: we suggest a donation of $5 or more per adult
The visit will start with a summary of the history of the historical building that hosts the CAHC and will continue on with a guided tour of the two floors of exhibit. An Art Gallery, opened in November 2011, can also be visited in the basement.
For driving instructions or to know more about the CAHC, consult their website:
Please confirm your presence by contacting us.
If you come by bus and need carpooling to the CAHC, let us know making sure to leave your phone number and we will try to set up transportation between the bus stop on Lakeshore Road and the CAHC.
To add to our visit to Coteau-du-Lac with Gérard Leduc, we have reserved a guided tour
at the Parc historique de la Pointe-du-Moulin, on l'Île-Perrot on Sunday, August 10, 2014.
2 500, boulevard Don Quichotte
Notre-Dame-de-l'Île-Perrot (Québec) H7V 7P2
This activity will take place rain or shine.
Agenda for Sunday, August 10, 2014
9:30: arrival at the Parc historique Pointe-du-Moulin
10:00 to 11:00: history of l'Île-Perrot presented by Mme Lise Chartier
11:00 to 12:00: visit inside the windmill with a park's guide
12:00 to 13:00: picnic (bring your own food)
13:00 to 14:00: baking demonstration at the miller's house
Fee: $8 adult / $5 senior (65+), including entry fee and the park's guide (to pay at the gate)
Large parking, included in entry fee.
For information on how to get to the site:
The Pointe-du-Moulin park is approximately 19 minutes / 19 km from Beaurepaire.
Join us in a quest to discover ancient artifacts, glyphs and symbols in addition to the regular site tour.
We have planned a visit to the Coteau-du-Lac National Historic Site on Saturday, August 9, 2014.
308 A, Chemin du Fleuve
Coteau-du-Lac (Québec) Canada JOP 1BO
450 763-5631 Sans frais : 1 888 773-8888
This activity will take place rain or shine.
The guided tour will be in English with the possibility to ask questions in English or in French.
Agenda for Saturday, August 9, 2014:
9:45: arrival at the Coteau-du-Lac National Historic Site
10:00 to 12:00: visit with a Parks Canada guide, including the Blockhouse and the interpretation centre
12:00 to 13:00: picnic (bring your own food)
13:00 to 15:00: with Gérard Leduc, last January's speaker, visit of the site to discover the ancient petroglyphs
Fee: $5.90 per person, including entry fee and Parks Canada guide (to be paid on-site)
Free parking
For information on how to get to the site:
Coteau-du-Lac is approximately 25 minutes / 30 km from Beaurepaire.
Discover Beaurepaire Village!
Wednesday, June 5, 2013, at 10 a.m., in French
As part of the " Pause du mercredi ", activity of the Beaconsfield Library, Pauline Faguy-Girard will take us on a tour of Beaurepaire Village:
The visit will be followed by a picnic.
Registration required: call the library at 514-428-4400, extension 4471
We are planning a guided tour of the village of Kahnawake on Friday, July 10, 2015.
This activity will take place rain or shine.
The guided tour will be in English with the possibility to ask questions in English or in French.
Free parking near the church.
Friday, July 10, 2015
14h00: Park at the War memorials lot and meet at RC church (Kateri Tekakwitha) in the old Kahnawake Village
14h20-15h00: Guided tour inside of the church and connected historic buildings:
Shrine of Kateri Tekakwitha, 911 sculpture, Guido Nincheri ceiling frescoes, chapel, church museum inside the old Officers quarters of Fort ST. Louis and a special ironworkers section
15h00-16h00: Visit two of the best art & craft stores:
1. Ross Montour's Okwari Arts [paintings, clothing, crafts, & books],
2. Philip Deering's Otiohkwa-Shenandoah Beads [clothing, beadwork & sewing supplies; snacks & drinks];
16h00-16h30: Guided tour of the riverside park & monuments to the ironworkers lost in the 1907 Quebec Bridge collapse;
16h30-17h30: View one of the community-run schools that Philip Deering has spoken of to the Society:
Indian Way, Karihwano:ron, Step-by-Step, and KSS [the "Survival School"].
17h30 the powwow food and craft concessions will be up and running on Kateri/Powwow Island
19h00 Iroquois Social Dancing will begin and will continue until dark, at least past 21h00.
© 2011 - 2025 Société Historique Beaurepaire-Beaconsfield-j3