Chercher une Conférence

Céramique du Québec, une passion!

(Collecting Quebec Ceramics, a Passion!)

Guest speaker: Jacqueline Beaudry Dionimg 6319jac fromjbdweb


When: Thursday, May 16, 2013, from 19:30 to 21:00

Where: Media room of the Beaconsfield Library,

             303 Beaconsfield Blvd, Beaconsfield, H9W 4A7

PowerPoint Lecture in French followed by a bilingual question period



Jacqueline Beaudry Dion is the President of the Association des collectionneurs de céramique du Québec and will introduce us to the history of Quebec 19th and 20th century pottery.


img 6323jac fromjbdwebJacqueline Beaudry Dion, B. A., B. Ped. acted as director for a South Shore Contemporary Art Gallery for nearly twenty years, holding twelve Art exhibitions each year. With her husband, Jean -Pierre Dion, Ph. D., and for the last forty years, she developed a fond interest in Canadian Heritage, mainly in Quebec Ceramics but also in Canadian Glass and Mycology : as such, she was involved in research, collection, guest speaker, author and curator of exhibitions. For the last fifteen years, she developed her photography skill, first with macro photography of mushrooms then with Ceramic.
Sharing a joint passion, the couple wrote numerous articles on 19th and 20th century Ceramic in Quebec and the United States. They published La Poterie des Dion (1984) and Céramistes du Québec 1940-1970 (2010, with a revised and enlarged second edition in 2011). As curators, they are authors of two exhibition catalogs : Maîtres céramistes formés à l’École du meuble de Montréal (Musée des maîtres et artisans du Québec, 2011) and Gilles Derome potier et humaniste (Musée du Haut-Richelieu, 2012). Again, for Spring /Summer 2013, they are guest curators for an exhibition on Wanda Rozynska and Stanley Rozynski, within the hearth of Eastern Township Ceramic at Musée du Haut-Richelieu.
Jacqueline Beaudry Dion is also the author and photographer of the first Repertory of Quebec Ceramic Marks : 580 marques de céramistes du Québec, edited in June 2011 by the Association of Ceramic Collector of Quebec (ACCQ) for which she is President.