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Edouard Lamoureux (1906-1989)

In 1929, Edouard became the third Secretary-Treasurer for the City of Beaconsfield. He was first operating from his mother's house, at 545 Beaconsfield Boulevard. Later on, the City rented a room in the Valois farm house until the opening of the first City Hall in 1931 at 450 Lakeshore Road. Living in the house next to the City Hall was the Poulson family; in 1941, Edouard married Arthur Poulson's daughter Amelie. 

Edouard was also Chief of Police and Fire Chief during the Great Depression years. In 1951, he also cumulated the position of City Public Works Superintendent. Starting on January 1st, 1952, from Secretary-Treasurer, he became the first Town Manager of Beaconsfield.

Serving the municipality for almost thirty years, he occupied this last position until September 1955.

See also Edouard Lamoureux, Merchant in Beaurepaire
