Chercher une Conférence


  • Sept. 95           Mr. Este of the Bout D'Ile Society on "The Post Office".
  • Oct. 95            Mrs. Noreen Lowe of the Argenteuil Museum on "Victorian Diaries".
  • Nov. 95            Mr. Jean-Guy Brosaard History of "Old Montreal".
  • Jan. 30, 96       Ms. Beth Kirkwood - Royal Bank of Cda. "Quick to the future"
  • Feb 27, 96        Mr. David Freeman - "History of the Queen E. Hospital".
  • Mar 26, 96        Mrs. Evelyn Peyton-Taylor - "19th. Century Costumes. Male & Female".
  • Apr 30, 96        Mr. Robert Benoit – “Tokens and other Dairy Memorabilia”, (Bout de L’Ile hosted)
  • May 28, 96       Mr. David Rose - "Architecture of Montreal Ross & McDonald Architects"



  • September 94      Mrs L. Buck (Megantic County)
  • October 94          Panel discussion (Wartime Britain)
  • November 94       Mr. N. Cameron (Cosmology)
  • January 95           Mrs. D. Williams (Black Community in Montreal)
  • February 95         Mr. G. Kelley (Riding Representatives in Quebec)
  • March 95             Mr. R. Hodgson (History of Hudson)
  • April 95               Dr. M. Gillett (Women at McGill)



  • September 28, 1993   Mr. P. Campbell. (Sherlock Holmes)
  • October 26, 1993       Mr. W. Gutzman. (Postcards of the Lakeshore area) (Bout de L’Ile joint)
  • November 30, 1993    Dr. A. Kotaite. (History and Development of the I.C.A.O.)
  • Jan 19, 1994             Dr Ashton Kerr “Diving Free in Sky and Sea”
  • February 22, 1994      Mr. Lyle Cruickshank.  (N.F.B.films)
  • March 30, 1994          Mr. N. Cameron. (A Great Irishman)
  • April 27, 1994            Claire Gagné and France Bourgeois of Coup d'Oeil, the City of Maisonneuve and the Chateau Dufresne. Joint Session with Bout de L'Ile.
  • May 25, 1994 AGM     Mr. Terence Kerwin, History of Grosse Isle and Irish immigration to Canada.


  • September 29, 992    Prof. H. Senior "Quebec in 1837" Joint Session with Bout de L'Ile.
  • October 27, 1992      Victoria Stewart "The Founding of Ville Marie"
  • November 24, 1992   Mrs M. O’Keefe "A History of Tobacco"
  • Feb 23, 1993            Miss J. Rosen “Montreal’s Jewish Community”



  • September/91   Mr. Neil Cameron
  • October/91       Mr. Conrad Graham of McCord Museum
  • November/91    Mr. Steve McComber
  • January/92        Mr. Roy Wilson
  • February/92      Mr. G. Decarie
  • March/92          Mr. B. Grainger
  • April/92            Mrs J. Isherwood


  • September/90   V. Stewart, Quebec History
  • October/90       J. Collins, Sketches of Montreal
  • November/90    O. Lavallee, Early Railroading
  • January/91        A. Johannsen, Jack Rabbit Museum
  • February/91      J. Rogers, Pulp & Paper Research
  • March,/91         A. Kerr, M.D., “TheCherry Beret”
  • April/91            S. McComber, Indian Legends
  • May/91             R. Wilson, Canadiana