The “Trip Back in Time Exhibition” and our Annual Wine and Dessert evening will take place at Centennial Hall on February 9th, 1988.
“Turn of the Century” costumes
Quilters working in one room, sports articles and old tools- in another and toys, a tea-room, etc. as well as numerous other interesting treasures throughout Centennial Hall.
Open to members of the Historical Society as well as the mayor and councillors. Tickets $3. The Mayor, Council, other City officials and the "sitters" will receive complimentary tickets. People are asked to reserve tickets in advance as space is limited and it will also give us a better idea as to numbers attending.
The Annual General Meeting will be held at Centennial Hall on Monday, June 8, 1987 at 6:00 p.m.
Our business meeting should take no more than 30 minutes, and then a sandwich supper will be served. The supper costs $5 per person; please RSVP June Walsh by May 29th if you plan to attend.
At 7:30 the curator of the David Stewart Museum, Guy Vadeboncoeur, will speak about St. Helen's Island and Le Vieux Fort.
We are including a membership form which you are invited to fill out at your leisure and to bring to the meeting with your membership fee for 1987-88: $5 for Beaconsfield residents, $7 for non-residents. Remember that the charge for guests is now $2 per meeting.
The Beaconsfield carnival is set for the weekend of February 7th.1986.
Barbara Briggs organized a Como Tour: About 30 members and friends enjoyed the tour of Mrs. Hyde's house and lunch at the Willow Inn.
August 21-23 1986- Display at Beaconsfield Shopping Centre: we will share a table and staffing with the senior citizens' association.
Tri-Centennial slide show on July 1st 1982 between 6:00 and 7:00 p.m. Commentaries given by Evelyn McOuat.
The society mounts its first exhibition of old tools, guns and Christmas decorations.
Painting Competition
A grant of $1,000 from the Royal Bank of Canada enables us to conduct a competition for a painting of “The Grove”. The painting is to be presented to the City of Beaconsfield as a lasting tribute to mark the founding of Beaurepaire 300 years ago.
The competition attracted over 50 artists, both local and from outside the province. Mr. Manuel Ruiz, a well known artist, was the winner.
The winning painting was formally presented to the City on Monday, June 26th, at 8:00 PM in a short ceremony with a representative of the News & Chronicle present.
Writing Contest
A contest for writing a text for the students of Beaconsfield was held.
Cartographic Display
Through the hard work of Gisele Hall, the vice-president, we were able to display in the library many early maps and documents relating to the area, including the original deed granting the first concession to Mr. Jean Guenet on May 18, 1678. The display was accompanied by a talk in French, by Mr. Yves Tremblay, of the Ministry of Cultural Affairs. The event attracted a lot of attention and we are trying to obtain copies of the maps and documents for a permanent display.
The Society, in conjunction with the Beaconsfield Horticultural Society, participated in this event. The Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce made a grant to the Historical Society to enable us to purchase a special shovel for the ceremony, mount it on a walnut board and suitably inscribe it. It will be on display in the administration building as a permanent reminder of the occasion.
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